Market Day 2025 Colonial Craft Demonstrators/Activity Runners
Saturday, October 4th, 2025 (Rain date October 5th)
Fee: Free if only demonstrating
$50 if selling while demonstrating
Applications due June 15, 2025.
Demonstrator / Activity spaces are 12’ x 12’ unless otherwise approved by the Market Day Committee. Colonial Craft Demonstrators may sell their handmade craft, but must spend time demonstrating how the craft is made. If you plan to sell items or solicit sales, you must pay the discounted $50 booth fee. (This is half the cost of the crafter booth fee)
Demonstrators must bring their own tents, signs, furniture & equipment, and actively demonstrate a colonial-era trade or colonial-themed activity with the intent of educating the public. NHA provides trash cans for patron use & dumpster for commercial use. Do not dump any supplies on the ground. This is an outdoor event; no running water, electricity or internet is available. All vehicles must be parked off-site unless otherwise approved by the Market Day Committee. Please read these Terms and Conditions.
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