Thank You

Calendar of Events

Thank you for your tax-deductible donation!

Your generous support will help us continue our mission to stimulate interest in, preserve, celebrate and share the historical heritage of both Newtown borough and township. If your employer has a Matching Gifts program, we hope you’ll use it to match this donation.

You should be receiving several emails shortly:
1. A confirmation from PayPal, our payments processor.
2. A receipt from us for your tax records.
3. A welcome email from our membership list — if you selected that option.

Upcoming Events

Tyler State Park Self-Guided Walking Tour

September 22, 10:00am - 10:00am

This annual event is designed as a self-guided walking tour of the historic properties and farmhouses scattered throughout the Tyler State Park grounds.


Historic Newtown Market Day

October 05, 10:00am - 4:00pm

Market Day is an annual Newtown tradition in its 48th year that takes place in the historic borough streets and is highly anticipated by our close community and surrounding Bucks County. (Rain Date: October 6)

Paul Gratz in his studio

Painting Conservation Techniques and Materials

November 18, 7:30pm - 7:30pm

This presentation will focus on painting conservation. Come join us to hear from conservator and gold leaf specialist, Paul Gratz.



The Edward Hicks Room

The Newtown Historic Association invites you back in time to experience the life of Newtown's most famous artist, Edward Hicks. The Edward Hicks Room displays many of the treasures owned by Hicks during his lifetime. These items include a double-faced swinging sign portraying William Penn's Treaty with the Indians and Penn's Landing at Chester in 1844...learn more


We invite you to sign up to stay informed of upcoming events, educational programs and community activities. Most are held in our historic Half Moon Inn, a tavern in the early days of Newtown, and are open to the public.

Join the celebration of our past and help ensure the preservation of our future.